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Tech Singapore 2024

We're an ambitious team with a shared mission to keep buildings and spaces in the best shape possible across the globe.

September 14, 2024
MBS, Singapore
Stand S08

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Presented by
Kevin D'hondt
CEO of Tinder
Patrick Overpoort
CEO of Tinder
Robert Jansens
CEO of Tinder


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Tech Singapore 2024

September 14, 2024
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October 5, 2023

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Connecting facility teams with the ecosystem—because silos belong on farms, not in your workflow. FixForm makes reporting, fixing, and managing issues hassle-free.

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Cafetaria Lisboa


Man in workwear smiling at the camera
Bradley Smith
Visiteur Jane
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Cafetaria Lisboa

Je pense que la machine à café est cassée.

Man in workwear smiling at the camera
Jada Navas
Employé Dave
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Cafetaria Lisboa

La machine à café est en panne.

Man in workwear smiling at the camera
Bradley Smith
Priorité élevée
Cafetaria Lisboa

Il n'y a pas de café qui sort de la machine mais il y a des tasses dedans.

Man in workwear smiling at the camera
Bradley Smith
Technicien Danny